martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Miriam's Blog

My weekend !
I love this weekend because i spend mch time with my dad and i really love my dad and on Saturday i make a new friend and on sunday was father´s day so i went to dinner with my dad i really hope to have many weekends like this.

I enjoy every moment ans this activity gave me a lot of opportunities to do it I never tought that i could create my own outfit so for me this was a very great experience. and this photo is just an example of how much i enojy doing it.
My weekend
the truth is that my weekend was boring i just i sat infront of a tv and i saw football also i go to buy a book and read so the only good is that didn´t went to school on friday and i ate like a pik.

Aceans are the life of the world; however don´t care of them
A new disaster has happened in Mexican Gulf, moreover meritime animals started to die
Human beans don´t understand that oceans are very important, besides arerivers too
Poullution means to die bit a bit, although pople don´t do nothing
Is time to look for alternative energy sources, regardlees petroleum companies.

My weekend !
On saturday i went to saw my father play football then i sleep and i eat chinese food i saw the movie of Spiderman and on Sunday we did a family meal i saw all my cousins and i saw the movie of the 4 fantastics i really love watching movies is my hobby and that was my weekend.

10 things i hate about you...

the film is so cute everybody found love in the persons that maybe they have not imagine and see the sisters wich helped each other reminded me the situation that happened with my sister, she always is with me when i need her and now that she needs me i feel that i can´t help her. The part i like most is when Patrick Verona sings to Kat i could never imagine a boyfriend doing that its like the dream of every girl and obviously my favorite character is the dad of Bianca and Kat.

My weekend !
This weekend was tiring on Friday were the olympics and it was very warm and i could not compete because i felt bad but later i win a medal in relay reace. On Saturday i stay in my house with my daddy and we try to go to the cinema but my sister was angry or sad i don´t know and she didn´t want to enter i think that because she is sick but we are a very united family and we are going ti hel her it put me bad to see her like that. On sunday i went to my grandmother house and thats all.

I really love this Photograph because for me my family is the most important and i enjoy every moment that i spend with they. To be with they is liketo be with angels. In this Photo I´m with my mom and my sister like 12 years ago.

My weekend was amazing, you know ?? I love Saturdays, is my favorite day of the week because my dad ... ( i lovemy dad) plays football and i really like to see him playing and also i like where he work because there is a park with little fish of many colors and that is great. Also i go to the cinema, i love watching movies is like a hobby. Well i saw the movie of "Robin Hood" with this actor that i like a lot Russell Crowe,the one of "Gladiator" and on Sunday I saw the video of Luis Miguel "The Uncoditional" is great...(you the same as yesterday, the unconditional) jajaja, I would not want to go to the war. I heat human suffering an of any kind.

teacher Elí Well this is our video is a coreography and I really enjoy making it because i do it whit my friends and ricardo made me laught a lot

This painting of Napoleon Bonaparte liked me because it shows the union between horse and man. Both together as one. The force and energy of the beast in the service of the rider , together riding to the top.
The set of colors is interesting, and the light blue background brings out the character more.

I like mexican culture because is very extensive and also because we celebrate everithing and this is funny. We have a lotof traditions and we have very delicious food like the traditional pozole, eaten on anniversaires an special days. Also one of the celebrations I enjoy more is the dead's day because in all the homes persons put an offerng in honor of the dead. The offering consist of all that, dead liked the more, food and drink. Mexico is a contry reconized by his mariachis and his charros , foreingers say that mexicans lways are in the "fiesta" (party). These are only few reasons why I like Mexico but there are many more.


This movie is an animated film about frindship, love and adventure. I really loved this movy and it made me cry. Everything begins when Carl Federicksen go to the cinema to see a movie about explorers and suddenly he meets an extrange girl who has the same hobbies that him, but overall she has a very, very big heart. When they grow up They get married and They only want to became true their dream. I recommend you to see this movie.

The picture that I selected

Why you select it?
R= because I think that the ocean is the more beautiful place in the world and when I´m there I feel like more relaxed
What is the intention of the picture?
R= I think that make people want to be there, because is very funny be there.
Did it provoke something on you?R= yes, it wants me to be there but someday I will be there enjoying my life

My Podcast

This podcast has three songs and three personal opinions about Technologies in education, the importance of English as a second language and finally about the dreams

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